Black, Gay Christians Do Exist, And It’s Time You Hear Us
I was lucky enough to find a relationship with God at an early age.
My family owned a church, so the majority of my adolescence was spent
being hauled back and forth to every church service you can imagine. I
can remember sitting in the pews, listening to the minister speak,
hearing the choir sing and I can remember a ‘rush’ coming over me. It
was strange, this felt weird. I wasn’t able to articulate what it was.
I’d look around the sanctuary and see others experiencing the same
thing. Though, their rush would send them into some sort of chant.
They’d holler, flail, spring from their seats and into the aisles all
while screaming a praise to the high heavens! This all mesmerized me, it
intrigued me! What about God sent people over the edge like this?
I would hear
from church and family members, how, “Good God is” or how, “God stepped
in and changed my life” or even, “God made a way out of no way!” I
desperately wanted to see this for myself. I took notice to how their
faces would light up when they spoke about the Lord and his
mercifulness. Their voices would go up in octaves. They would smile from
ear to ear. They walked different. Their heads were high and they
evoked confidence and peace, and I wanted that! I needed it.
By this point,
my relationship with God was extremely superficial and somewhat surface.
I would pray each night, mainly because I was told to. I would attend
church services because of the guilt my mother would pour down on me,
and I would sing in the choir because I started to become enamored with
the glorification I would get from the congregation.
I went to my
mother, who is a minister, and asked her how to go about building a
relationship with God. Looking back, it seems like such a silly
question, but I honestly had no idea. I can still remember her putting
it to me as plainly as she could, “You can go to God in prayer and ask
him for anything, even for him to reveal himself.” So, that’s exactly
what I did. Though, it wasn’t until I began to truly love myself and
acknowledge my sexuality, did he begin to do so.
I’ve always
known that there was something special about me, always. Even if there
was a time when I wanted to ignore that ‘something’ no one around would
let me. I was always made to feel ostracized for simply being myself.
For some queer youth this would push them away from social groups or
even religious organizations, but not me. Instead of agreeing with the
masses and accepting their views on how I should behave, dress, or feel,
I instead ran to God. If there was one thing that I’ve retained from
all of those church services, it was that God loves me.
Constantly, I
find myself defending my spirituality. Or why I continue to hold God at
the head of my life, despite what is said about me and others like me in
the bible. My answer to these questions, and the hundreds of others
like it remains consistent: his love. God’s love is what saved me. God’s
love surpasses all understanding, there’s nothing else like it.
I asked the
Lord to reveal himself to me all those years ago and he did in a
tremendous way, through me. He revealed himself through love. By showing
me what love is, I was able to find love for myself, and this allowed
me to accept love from him.
In the Black
Community and the Black Church, if you’re queer, you’re forced to wear a
scarlet letter. People don’t want to hear about it. They’d rather you
suppress your sexuality to accommodate their insecurities, self-hate and
comfortability. It wasn’t until one day, I realized something: No one
is forcing me to do anything. No one is responsible for holding this
scarlet letter to my chest, but me. I have the authority to free myself.
The same way God gives us the authority to bless ourselves and our
neighbors. We have the authority to free ourselves and free our minds,
bodies, and spirits of things that are not of him. Hate being included.
I am one of the
lucky ones. I am afraid that there are many people who will never
accept the Lord into their hearts because they simply won’t have the
opportunity to be introduced to him. All over, people are being pushed
out of churches because of how they lead their lives. The sanctity of a
church is not in danger because of the personal lives of its
congregation. What really endangers the sanctity of a church is when
that church begins to hold moral judgments on those who dare enter.
Black, Gay
Christians, do exist, and it is time that we are heard. No longer should
the Bible be used as a weapon of guilt and shame to further depress and
oppress a minority group of any gender, sexuality, or race. As members
of the Christian faith and the Black Community, it is our obligation to
accept, love, and lift up those around us, regardless of understanding.
It is not up to us to determine where anyone lies in the sight of God
and we do our entire communities a disservice each time we take it upon
ourselves to do so. Instead we should extend a hand of love and
My walk with
God is truly just beginning. Each day I find solitude in prayer. Praying
for clarity, guidance, strength and peace; clarity, to walk with my
eyes wide open and not be afraid of the things that I see and instead
witness the magnitude of what God has done and provided for his flock.
Guidance, for God to go before me and clear the path. Strength, to be
able to endure the trials and tribulations that are sure to come. Peace,
to find victories in my struggle, knowing that he will always be with
me, never leaving me alone.
Originally Posted On
Brent is also the host of WERK Podcast, Listen here.
Connect with Brent on Twitter
Brent is also the host of WERK Podcast, Listen here.
Connect with Brent on Twitter
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