Sunday, August 21, 2016

U Turn, God Turns

by Michael Vincent Robinson

Publisher Xulon Press
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Book Description

Written from the heart, ‘U Turn, God Turns’ takes readers deep into the fascinating life of the author - whose self-destructive tendencies riddled him with disease, debt, unemployment, and a secret boulevard lifestyle. Through Robinson’s unwavering belief in God and His gifts, he was saved before passing the point of no return. This author’s life story and bold wisdom inspires readers to make a U-turn on their own dead-end boulevard to prosper like they never thought possible.

Sample Chapter

Exhausted, I managed to get my date home before dawn. Soon the mists would begin to dissipate to make way for the light of day. While driving home, the Lord put me in a deep sleep. The car accelerated over a small bridge, crashed into a tree, and strategically landed in a shallow creek so that no one passing on the main street above could see me. While out of human sight, the Lord kept me on His divine radar. As I awakened and discovered being trapped inside the mangled vehicle, the Lord lifted me from the wreckage onto the main street, gave me a glorious glimpse of paradise, and allowed me to travel eastward toward the sunrise.
My steps became slower as my breathing difficulty intensified. When I didn’t recall walking, the Lord carried me in His loving arms through a busy intersection and planted me near a church where I was quickly discovered and taken around the corner to my parent’s home. This was the last thing I remembered for some moments.
When my eyes popped open from those moments, I was in ICU at Hillcrest Medical Center with my family looming over me. I felt their sadness and their love; however, the Lord’s love was the most prevalent in the room. Just as Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day, I was raised from ICU on the third day and moved to a regular room.
It was in this room where I discovered my body was stapled just as I had done so many times to paper with a stapler. Now, I was like the paper and the doctors had stapled me! The staples were necessary following the emergency surgery to mend me from a ruptured spleen and a collapsed lung. One of my fingers was broken and I suffered severe head trauma with cuts and bruises all over my body. After all, when I arrived at the hospital, I was only given ten minutes to live.
Excerpted from "U Turn, God Turns" by Michael Vincent Robinson. Copyright © 2013 by Michael Vincent Robinson. Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Excerpts are provided solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.
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