Saturday, May 30, 2015

Science at Panamerican Insitute

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Science at PAI


Panamerican Institute Mexico

AttachmentsMay 28 (2 days ago)

to Linda
I want to share with you that last Friday May 22, we had our school's annual Science Fair when 25 Science projects were presented. Attached are pictures of that "learning the fun way day", which ended with a Science rally.(Picture 1)
First prize was earned by the team who built a hydraulic robot (pictures 2 & 3), second prize was won by the team who built a solar lamp (Picture 4).
Sponsors were very generous and provided t-shirts and all prizes.
Another accomplishment was that our second year students competed on May 21 in the State Physics Contest in Ensenada, two of them earned their pass to compete at the National Contest next week.
Once our Physics teacher, Ivan Flores, was in Ensenada, he received the two bronze medals from Mexico City for our students who won last year the National Physics contest. (Picture 5) I am so excited because we have girls and boys wining!
Thank you so much for being part of our efforts to provide this kids the opportunity to excel.

If you want to be informed of our school's activities, please visit us at

 Con cariño,
Juana Santos

Panamerican Institute
P. O. Box 433872
San Ysidro, CA 92143
5 Attachments
Preview attachment Primer lugar.JPG
Preview attachment 100_0219.JPG
Preview attachment Segundo lugar (1).JPG
Preview attachment Physics Contest.JPG

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