Spirit for All
May 24, 2015
Written by Kathryn Matthews Huey
Written by Kathryn Matthews Huey
Sunday, May 24
Pentecost Sunday
Focus Theme
Spirit for All
Pentecost Sunday
Focus Theme
Spirit for All
Weekly Prayer
Creator Spirit and Giver of life, make the dry, bleached bones of our lives live and breathe and grow again as you did of old. Pour out your Spirit upon the whole creation. Come in rushing wind and flashing fire to turn the sin and sorrow within us into faith, power, and delight. Amen.
Creator Spirit and Giver of life, make the dry, bleached bones of our lives live and breathe and grow again as you did of old. Pour out your Spirit upon the whole creation. Come in rushing wind and flashing fire to turn the sin and sorrow within us into faith, power, and delight. Amen.
Focus Reading
Acts 2:1-21
Acts 2:1-21
When the day of Pentecost
had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there
came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house
where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and
a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
Now there were devout Jews
from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd
gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native
language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, "Are not all these
who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own
native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia,
Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the
parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and
proselytes, Cretans and Arabsóin our own languages we hear them speaking about
God's deeds of power." All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one
another, "What does this mean?" But others sneered and said,
"They are filled with new wine."
But Peter, standing with the
eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, "Men of Judea and all who
live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. Indeed,
these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o'clock in the
morning. No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: 'In the last
days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see
visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even upon my slaves, both men and
women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I
will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and
fire, and smoky mist. The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to
blood, before the coming of the Lord's great and glorious day. Then everyone
who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.'"
All Readings For
This Sunday
Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
Focus Questions
1. Have you ever had Peter's
experience, of interpreting the present moment in your life through the lens of
Scripture, rather than the other way around?
2. What are the
"languages" that may divide the folks in your church, or at least
make unity more difficult to achieve?
3. What have been
experiences of deep unity, across differences? How do our differences actually
enrich and enliven what we share?
4. What events and
experiences have made us cower, have made us confused?
5. Which of our conventions
could stand a little bursting, or a lot? Do we feel like we are "new
wine," ready to burst old wineskins?
Reflection by
Kate Matthews (Huey)
Our psalm reading for this
Pentecost Sunday speaks of God sending forth God's Spirit in a creative burst
that is both productive and renewing. In our story from the Acts of the
Apostles, it must have felt like creation all over again, with wind and fire,
and something new bursting forth. Then there was the amazing linguistic
experience of speaking in other languages yet being understood by people of
many different languages and lands, the names of which represented the known
world at that time and have caused no small concern to worship leaders in every
time. No matter: in that moment, all the people were one in their hearing, if
not their understanding of the deeper meaning of what they heard. Despite their
differences, they could all hear what the disciples were saying, each in their
own language.
Fire, wind, and humble
Galileans speaking persuasively in many tongues were dramatic signs that God
was doing a new thing that would transform the lives of all those present, and
far beyond, in time and place. Maybe it was a little frightening, something
people would want to explain away, or contain with comments that blamed it all
on drunkenness.
There have been
manifestations, remarkable displays of God's Spirit in the Bible before, of
course, with sound and light and amazing "special effects," as we
call them today. But those events, like Moses on the mountaintop and Jesus
transfigured, were reserved for only a few witnesses, the most inside of
insiders. Here, at the dawn of a new era, on the birthday of a church called to
spread to the ends of the earth, the display is for all. Not only the
disciples, gathered in a room, getting themselves together after Jesus is once
again departed. Not only the holiest or the most faithful or the most learned,
not only the believers, not only those who were with Jesus on the road or
witnesses to his Resurrection. No, in this case, at this moment, "all
flesh," male and female, old and young, slave and free, are invited and
And just to make sure that
they know they're all included, the formidable obstacle of a multitude of
languages is overcome by a sweeping wind and an uplifting Spirit that drives
those disciples out, out into the world beyond their walls, beyond the
theoretical but fragile safety those walls provide. Out into the world, and
compelled to spread the Good News of what God is doing in a new day. On a
Jewish feast that celebrated new life and new crops by offering a gift of first
fruits in gratitude and praise, these Jewish "ignorant, backwater
folks" (a stereotype conveyed by the term "Galileans," but lost
to us today as we read the text) become impassioned, eloquent spokespersons for
the gift of new life, the beginning of a brand new era in which God is
fulfilling promises and salvation draws near.
Joel spoke of a
stillspeaking God
This reading is particularly
powerful for a church that proclaims wholeheartedly that God is still speaking,
and Matthew Skinner makes a case for that claim as he focuses on Peter's
alteration of the text from Joel, saying "in the last days" instead
of "after these things." In fact, commentators agree in pointing out
that Joel was speaking ominously of destruction and death, while Peter speaks
of the promise of new life. In Peter's interpretation, Skinner says, Scripture
speaks in a new day about "new realities and challenges." Peter,
according to Skinner, does what we too need to do today. Right in the midst of
these astounding and undoubtedly confusing events, he interprets them as he
experiences them, relying on Scripture to help him understand what God is
saying in that new day.
Clearly, the crowd is hungry
for the word brought by the Spirit-filled disciples, even though some are
immediately cynical and scoffing; we are told in later verses that the church
expanded from just over one hundred to three thousand in one day. A mega-church
is born on a single day! What do you think is the heart of the message that
brought so many new believers to the newborn church? What converted, and even
transformed, them?
Rooted in the tradition
Imagine what the energy that
day felt like for the foreign Jewish visitors in town for the religious
festival. This Pentecost experience was in continuity, of course, with the
prophetic tradition of the Jewish people. Since the festival of Pentecost
happened at the time of spring harvest, we might experience this Pentecost
event as a different kind of harvest, yielding life-giving spiritual fruits.
Think of the young people who are being confirmed this day in congregations
across the United Church of Christ, perhaps in your very own church. They may
come from many different places, if not geographically, then in other ways.
What do you think that draws them to the church at this time? What are the
visions that these young people see, and what are the dreams that the "old"
members still dream, dreams that they long to share and build on with the
youth? How might their arrival bring a shaking up of the church, as so often
happens with the creative and renewing energy of the Spirit?
The same Spirit that drew
the little band of disciples out into the world also shaped them into a
community. What is the balance in your church like, between reaching out and
nurturing the faith life of the community? How do these two impulses relate to
each other? In his book, Reading the Bible Again for the First Time, Marcus
Borg writes, "The coming of the Spirit is the reversal of Babel, the
beginning of the reunion of the human community." In what ways might your
church and your community need a "reunion"?
Up-ending the Tower of
Borg's description of this
Pentecost that up-ended the Tower of Babel story reminds us that different
languages have the power to divide people one from another. In the ancient
world, there was a utopian ideal of one universal language, and this story
provides an interesting twist on that dream. The Spirit of God has rushed in to
empower many different kinds of people to do something astounding--communicate
effectively with one another. Bridges were built and crossed in a moment, and
the differences among them, instead of dividing, provided startling
illustration of just how great the power of God is. Underneath the differences
of nationality and language, there was a fundamental unity that was not only
touched but enlivened and experienced, profoundly, by many who were there.
Others scoffed and interpreted even the most amazing of events through the eyes
and ears of cynicism, but those with hearts and minds that were open to the
movement of the Spirit knew that a new day had come.
Births are never neat
and tidy
Births are rarely neat,
tidy, or quiet, even when people or something beautiful is struggling to be
born. The birth of the church was no different. The feast of Pentecost--of
harvest--is an interesting time to think about pregnancy and birth, and the great
crowd of converts is its own kind of harvest and yet leads to even greater
possibilities of growth and new life. In addition, the disciples, cowering and
confused, experience their own kind of rebirth or transformation by the power
of this Spirit who blows into the scene on the rush of a mighty wind, with
great noise and even with fire. In this case, fire and wind bring not
destruction but new life. As with birth, it may not be quiet or peaceful, but
it is exhilarating and good.
As you reflect on this story
of the birth of the church, how much does it relate to the life of your church
today? How might we reach across so many differences, not only in language and
culture but also in religious upbringing, economic class, educational
background, and basic personality types, to communicate effectively, to hear
what God is still speaking today, bringing us a call that may astound us and
gather us into something more effective and more amazing that we were before?
What sort of power did--or does--it take to draw us out of our "all
together in one place" and send us out with courage and energy to proclaim
the good news of the Risen Christ? What loud noises and rushing wind do we
The church as refuge and
the church that up-ends our assumptions
We are a people no longer
easily impressed: in an age of technological wonders, we've come to expect
regular improvements in the "stuff" of our lives. (Consider, for
example, the improvement in special effects in film. What amazed us twenty
years ago looks almost silly today.) It takes more and more to astonish us, and
yet astonishing things happen quietly in nature, in communities, in the life of
our churches every day, whether we take note or not. It's tempting to prefer a
church that's a safe refuge over a place and community where we are astonished
and our safe assumptions up-ended. Perhaps we could "hear" our
stories "in a whole new light," even if we are all speaking the same
language. What is the basic unity that we share, that the people in your
congregation and its neighborhood share? What deep spiritual bond brings us
together across every kind of barrier and difference? How do we appreciate our
differences and yet find that common ground?
Breathing in, breathing
After all, today's story is
another one of those that belongs to all of us, not just to the early
Christians. This is our beginning, our "foundational story" of the
new life, the New Age of which we are a part (Dennis E. Smith and Michael E.
Williams). You can almost feel the wind pulling the folks together from all
corners of the known world, and then propelling them back out to share the good
news. The harvest festival of Pentecost, which came to remember the giving of
the Law at Sinai, now marked the giving of new life and the gift of the church,
a new way of living for those who would follow Jesus in every land and in every
age. Not just some kinds of people, but all different kinds of people, in all
different places, different languages and customs, different cultures and
backgrounds and experiences, different abilities and gender and races and
orientations, all different kinds of people, beloved of God and filled with
God's Spirit, a new creation just as it could and ought to be.
We are the new wine
Jesus spoke of!
The Pentecost story is one
of the most familiar ones from the days of the early church. But it's easy to
pass over the remark about "drunk with new wine" with perhaps only a
chuckle, and miss a subtle but important point. Rebecca J. Kruger Gaudino makes
a wonderful observation: "Peter seems to have forgotten what Jesus once
said about new wine that bursts old wineskins (Luke 5:37-38). These new
followers of Jesus are not filled with new wine. They are the new wine! Watch
them burst the seams of convention." If this story really is our story,
too, not just something stupefying that happened long ago and far away, what's
holding us back, what's holding us in?
Erik Heen provides a fitting
conclusion to our reflection on this text when he reminds us that, from this
point forward, the apostles will have the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all
that they do. The church will continue to grow, and while its message
"remains the same, its audience becomes radically different." Heen
says that the Spirit's guidance will provide both continuity and creativity
that links it with the ministry of Jesus and yet leaves it open to adaptation
to "the evolving mission field," with both Jews and Gentiles eager to
hear the Good News. Heen writes: "Though the narrative of Acts begins in
Jerusalem, it ends in Rome!"
The Rev. Kathryn Matthews
(Huey) serves as dean of Amistad Chapel at the national offices of the United
Church of Christ in Cleveland, Ohio (https://www.facebook.com/AmistadChapel).
You're invited to share your
reflections on this text on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SermonSeeds.
A preaching version of this
reflection (with book titles) is at http://www.ucc.org/worship_samuel_sermon_seeds_may_24_2015.
For further
N.T. Wright, 21st
"Those in whom the Spirit comes to live are God's new Temple. They are, individually and corporately, places where heaven and earth meet."
"Those in whom the Spirit comes to live are God's new Temple. They are, individually and corporately, places where heaven and earth meet."
Adelaide Anne Procter,
19th century
"Dreams grow holy put in action."
"Dreams grow holy put in action."
African Proverb, Ghana
"If you want to speak to God, tell it to the wind."
"If you want to speak to God, tell it to the wind."
Catherine the Great,
18th century
"A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache."
"A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache."
Ralph Waldo Emerson,
19th century
"This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it."
"This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it."
Howard Thurman, 20th
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
L.J. Suenens, 20th
"I believe in the surprises of the Holy Spirit."
"I believe in the surprises of the Holy Spirit."
About Weekly Seeds
Weekly Seeds is a United
Church of Christ resource for Bible study based on the readings of the
"Lectionary," a plan for weekly Bible readings in public worship used
in Protestant, Anglican and Roman Catholic churches throughout the world. When
we pray with and study the Bible using the Lectionary, we are praying and
studying with millions of others.
You're welcome to use this
resource in your congregation's Bible study groups.
Weekly Seeds is a service of
Local Church Ministries of the United Church of Christ. Bible texts are from
the New Revised Standard Version, © 1989 Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Revised Common Lectionary is ©
1992 Consultation on Common Texts. Used by permission.
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