Rabbi Jonathan Sacks On What It Takes To End Violence In God's Name
His new book is a call to all the faiths to make space for the religious “other.”
Religion News Service
By Lauren Markoe
Posted: 11/08/2015 09:03

(RNS) Religious zealots fill newspapers
and screens with bloody images of bombings and beheadings. They kidnap children
and make them into soldiers. They pray before they rape women.
But “not in God’s
name,” says Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the former chief rabbi of Great
Britain, who just published a book by that title.
“The greatest threat to freedom in
the post-modern world is radical, politicized religion,” Sacks writes. Religion
News Service asked Sacks how people can kill in the name of God, and how
religion can counter religious extremists. The interview has been edited for
length and clarity.
Q: You write that the world
is moving into a more religious age, and that this is not necessarily a good
thing. Why?
A: Ours is an age of unprecedented
radical change, and people search for something that doesn’t change, that is
eternal. And of all such things, God is the ultimate. And there is a specific
factor in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, and that is the perceived failure
of Western regimes. That is leading to a whole series of religious
counterrevolutions. That’s what’s happening in Iraq and Syria. It’s what
happened in Iran. To some extent it is happening in India with Hindu
And throughout the world, the more
religious you are, the more children you have. Simply on an actuarial basis you
can predict that the world will be more religious a generation from now. I am
not giving thanks here for a more religious age. The truth is that not all the
great religions and not all the great leaders of religions are fully adapted to
living in a world of complexity and diversity. And the face religion is showing
the world today is not a smiling one.
“Not in God’s Name”
examines Torah stories to show how even violent biblical episodes teach love
toward the stranger. You want this exercise repeated with other sacred texts,
but not by you. Why?
A: Because a Jew cannot do it for a
Christian. Only a Christian can do it for a Christian. Only a Muslim can do it
for a Muslim. I just thought it helpful for people in other religions to be
able to see how we do it in Judaism.
Q: You note in your book that those committing the worst atrocities in the name
of religion often know little about their own faith and care less about the
faith of others. They’re not reading your book, so who did you write it for?
A: This book is meant to encourage
a recruitment and inspiration of a new generation of religious leaders — Jewish, Christian,
Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, you name it — who will lead the great faiths a generation
from now in such a way that they make space for one another, in coexistence and
mutual respect. This book is a long-term call to all the faiths, to make space
for the religious “other.” It’s not a quick fix. There is no quick fix.
Q: Speaking of the
“religious other,” you tackle the concept within the book in terms of sibling
rivalry, in particular with the story of Jacob and Esau. Why focus so much
on sibling rivalry and how it plays out on the world stage?
A: I was looking at the very roots
of human violence. The two people who have had the most profound insight in the
20th century were Sigmund Freud and Rene Girard. Girard’s book “Violence and
the Sacred” was a very prophetic work. It appeared in the 1970s, and he
predicted that religion and violence would both continue into the future. Both
Freud and Girard point to sibling rivalry as a real driver of human violence.
Freud thought that the No. 1 driver was the hostility of sons toward their
fathers. But if you look through world literature, you’ll see that sibling
rivalry is much more significant — in Egyptian myth, Greek myth, the Roman
story of Romulus and Remus, or the Hebrew Bible itself. If you were to rid the
world overnight of religion, there would still be violence.
Q: This week marked the
50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, the Vatican document that decried
anti-Semitism and promulgated a more brotherly relationship between Catholics
and Jews. How has Pope Francis modeled engagement with other faiths?
A: Francis has acknowledged the
spiritual contribution of Judaism to the world more affirmatively than any
previous pope. And Nostra Aetate has shown how centuries of estrangement and
hostility can be reversed, by one single, generous gesture within a faith. That
for me is a great signal of hope. If it can happen between Catholics and Jews,
then it can happen between Christians and Muslims, and between Jews and
Muslims. But it will take really open leadership that understands that what God
is calling us to in the 21st century is something very challenging and very
Q: Does Judaism need its
own Pope Francis, somebody who can model this faith? Does Islam?
A: We need that in every faith and
we need it very seriously. In 1942, one of the darkest periods of human
history, in Britain Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple and Chief Rabbi of
Great Britain Joseph Hertz formed the Council of Christians and Jews. That was
a signature gesture at a very crucial period. I think the Dalai Lama
today has shown likewise. It is a matter of personal humility and the
generosity of your embrace.
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