of the Resurrection
Raymond Chapman
Station 11
500 Witnesses
V We adore thee O Christ and we bless thee
R. Because by
thy glorious Resurrection thou has given life to the world.
This appearance may have taken place in Galilee, where many
of the people who had believed in Jesus lived, though some think it is a
reference to the Pentecost experience/ Whether in Galilee or Jerusalem, the
number of witnesses to the Resurrection was dramatically increased.
We give thanks for the millions of our fellow Christians
with whom we are one in the Lord; for the friendship of those who are close to
in our own family of faith; for all the witnesses who have gone before us to
share in the Resurrection.
We sometimes become self-centered in our faith and forget
that we are part of a great company that no one can number. In which each is
equally precious in the sight of God. Help us to live as members of the Body of
Christ, always more eager for the good of others than for our own’
V Christ is
R He is risen
V Let us bless
the Lord.
R Thanks be
to God.
Who were you, the nameless, the unrecorded, not set down in
Scripture or remembered in the festival of saints” Had you gather for worship
when the Lord appeared to you. or did
he break into a working day, bringing some little town to a halt in shared
You were not called to go out into the world, to the
despised Samaritans, the unknown Gentiles, to confront the power of Rome by sea
and land to its farthest limits. You had to go on living, witnesses in the
workshop, by the lake, or in the family dwelling. You were the first of the
faithful who did no great deeds, who are not enrolled among the saints and
scholars, the missionaries and martyrs. You are our ancestors in the faith.
He comes to us still, unheralded, unexpected, When we are
recollected in worship or distracted by the demand of the hour. He is the quiet
presence that says, “Go on, be faithful, take the next steps in the narrow path
before you” Or he may be the sudden illumination that changes everything ,
lighting a road that we did not know was there.
What they shared that day, five hundred together, was
forgotten in harder times. The threat of hostile power, the sorrows of life in
a fallen world, the weary annoyances of day after day: these did not break the
fellowship of having seen God and lived, to have grasped eternity, through some
had died.

Risen Lord, keep me in loving
fellowship with all who share the faith, who have known your presence. Unite me
with the great company who have kept the vision to the end and are gathered
into the fullness of life.
Whenever and where ever you come to
me make me ready to receive you.
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