Friday, April 10, 2015

Stations of the Resurrection: Station 14: Paul

Stations of the Resurrection
Raymond Chapman
Station 14

V         We adore thee O Christ and we bless thee

R.        Because by thy glorious Resurrection thou has given life to the world.

Last of all, as to someone untimely born, he appeared also to me. For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and the grace towards me has not been in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:8-10)

Paul was a ruthless persecutor of Christians until the Risen Christ appeared to him. The encounter with the Lord changed him into a great teacher of the faith, called to spread the word of salvation onto the Gentile world.

We give thanks for the gift of faith that comes from God and not from our seeking; for the love that changes us; for the grace that makes us able to what we could never do on our strength

We will not always listen when God is calling us; we go on our own ways of pride and self-will. Help us to remember in whom we have believed and to live more worthily of a great salvation.

V         Christ is risen.
R         He is risen indeed.
V         Let us bless the Lord.
R         Thanks be to God.

He came so late to you, making you born again at a time when change seemed impossible, out of place. At the time of your deepest hostility; anger and malice towards him, he came to you and the light dawned.

Light is God’s first gift, but can be unbearable, rending the sight that comes to illumine. It takes time to adjust to God’s new light, to turn around and open the eyes to look in another direction, to change Saul to Paul, a new name, a new heart.

When you fell down on the road, did you have a vision of what was to come, the suffering, the sorrow of new believers fallen away?

Did you ever see him when he walked among the people? Did you pass him without a thought, or were you one of those who murmured against him; feared him and planned his death?

Now you had to meet those who knew and loved him as their Master. You had to make friends of enemies, those you would have killed, who still mourned the killing of Stephen.

The great command came to you as it had come to them to go out into the world and tell the good news. Your life was given to the one you had persecuted, the one others had denied and deserted. You joined them in love. because shared the failures and the grace

You more than any knew the reality of sin forgiven, perfect love calling for the love that suffers long and is kind.

Risen Lord, come to me early and late, for all time is yours.

Risen Lord, give me your perfect light, and the strength to receive it.

Risen Lord, let me walk with you to the edge of my little world.

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