Thursday, April 9, 2015

Stations of the Resurrection: Station 9: Emmaus

Stations of the Resurrection
Raymond Chapman

Station 9


V         We adore thee O Christ and we bless thee

R.        Because by thy glorious Resurrection thou has given life to the world.

When he was at he table with them. He took bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.

Two of the disciples walked and talked with Jesus for a time without knowing who he was. It was only when they sat down to a meal that the familiar actions recalled their table fellowship with him and they knew he was present with them again.

We give thanks for the Holy Communion in which we are united with Jesus Christ in the broken bread and the poured wine. We praise God for this wonderful sacrament. In which we receive his grace and strength to draw near in love.

We too often neglect the opportunity for Communion; we find excuses for staying away; we come without proper preparation; our devotion is cold and distracted. Help us to reverence the mystery of the Body and Blood of Christ, so that we can continually meet him and know him in the breaking of bread.

V         Christ is risen.
R         He is risen indeed.
V         Let us bless the Lord.
R         Thanks be to God.

It was a long road so late in the day; still hot and dusty through the shadows were lengthening. Two of you went on together, walking away from the city of sorrow, the city of rumors and of hopes too daring to be believed, Three days of loss had left you weary, no longer open to trust what other had seen.

A stranger can be menacing or friendly. This one want to know what you were talking about and you welcomed him into your trouble and found comfort in his words, old truths seen in a new light. Then, hospitality stronger than weariness, you took him into your home. He might have gone on but you invited him to stay.

Then it all came back to you – the meals together, his wonderful that chastened and encouraged, the peace of his presence. He was still yours, your teacher, your friend. The Beloved body was back before your eyes, but with new power to come and go. To be everywhere. He would be always be close to you. even when you did not see him, as he had drawn close to you on the road.

How you rushed back, the meal unfinished, no longer tired but eager with the good news. As you ran to tell of him, you were running to see him again, in the city that was no longer sorrowful.

Risen Lord, open my eyes to recognize you, in whatever way you will reveal yourself.

Risen Lord, open the Scriptures to me, because they all speak to me of you

Risen Lord, come to me in the stranger, in the guest, in the bread and wine of your own banquet.

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