of the Resurrection
Raymond Chapman
Station 13
V We adore thee O Christ and we bless thee
R. Because by
thy glorious Resurrection thou has given life to the world.
While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was
carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with
great joy. (Luke 24:51-2)
The first parting from Jesus on Calvary had been sorrow and
shame for the disciples. When he went from them for a second time they full of
hope and joy because they knew he was alive forever and that they would see him
We give thanks for the Ascension of Jesus Christ, in
which our human nature is lifted up into the mystery of divinity. We know that
we shall follow where he has gone before and we praise God for the restoration
of the human race to the holiness lost by sin.
We misuse the life that we have been given, forgetting
that it comes from God,
and will return to him; we are held too closely by the
cares and desires of this world. Help us to know where true joy is to be found
and direct our towards Christ in his glory.
V Christ is
R He is
risen indeed.
V Let us bless
the Lord.
R Thanks be
to God.
Some of you had seen him transfigured on the hill of glory;
all had shared in the horror of the hill of death. Now you stood on the hill of
promise and watched him go
There was a heavy command to lay on you Galileans witnessing
to Judeans who despised you as uncouth provincials, to the Samaritans you
despised as heretics, to the whole unknown world of Gentiles beyond the seas
and beyond the Law. Because he had taught you that all were children of God,
you went back into the city not trembling with fear but full of joy.
In all the times of seeing your Master after the day of his
rising, the joy had mixed with awe and often his words of correction. Now, at
last encounter, there was only confidence, a strength that no human power could
give or take away.
You could stood there watching, as Peter wanted to stay on
the hill of glory. Eyes that had seen such wonder must look to the world below,
feet that had followed him must take the path down to the busy day. There is
work to be done, a break in the fellowship to mend, a church to be built.
It would all be enabled through prayer not to a God remote,
unimaginable, dangerous to look upon, but to one who shown his human face, one
they had loved as a friend. He had left his last bequest to them – a world made
holy divine steps had graced on human feet

Ascended Lord, lift up my heart above all doubts and fears.
Ascended Lord, lift up my eyes to see what you have
for me to do.
Ascended Lord, lift up my voice to be your witness, because
these frail human things are forever made holy.
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