of the Resurrection
Raymond Chapman
Station 7
Closed Room
V We adore thee O Christ and we bless thee
R. Because by
thy glorious Resurrection thou has given life to the world.
When it was evening on that day, the first day of the
week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for
fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with
you.” (John 20:19)
The disciples were full of anxiety; the new hope that Jesus
had risen did not overcome their fear of their human enemies. As they met in
secret, Jesus came to them with the word of peace: no doors or locks could keep
him out.
We give thanks for the peace that comes through Jesus
Christ; we rejoice in his presence in our lives; in prayer, in sacraments, in
every moment; even when we are anxious and preoccupied with the cares of this
We close our heart against the love of God, as the
disciples closed their doors; we allow ourselves to be imprisoned by or fears
and doubts. Help us to be open always to the coming of Christ, to receive the
assurance of his peace and to proclaim him with confidence.
V Christ is
R He is
risen indeed.
V Let us bless
the Lord.
R Thanks be
to God.
So short a time since that last meal together, perhaps in
the very room, Three days ago, they were all together, the fellowship unbroken,
promising fidelity even to death. Then a night and a day of terror, a day of
sorrow, a day of rumors, and visions – they were weary. Bewildered, unable to
take any more.
Close the
doors against the world that threatens and destroys.
Close the
doors against the people who come to us, for they may bring trouble.
Close the
doors against the Lord who knocks and will not leave us alone.
Surely he comes in anger, in accusation of sin, comes to
avenge the broken promises. The betrayal, the desertion. He is the God of
justice vesting iniquity
But no he comes in peace, in love, the god of mercy and
pardon. Wounded, he comes to heal all wounds. The grave could not keep him in;
the doors cannot keep him out. He is not outside, he is here, he is among us as
in the days that have gone, he is everywhere.
The day broke without hope, dark and menacing: now in the
evening there is light and joy. Lord, what can we say, what can we do but
receive with grace your word of peace.
It was the first day of the week, the first day of the new
creation. The old power of sin and death had been broken and the power of life
was filling the world, to restore the fellowship and make all things new.

Risen Lord, make me hear you voice and open my closed
Come to me in the morning and in the evening.
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