Thursday, April 9, 2015

Stations of the Resurrection: Station 12: JAMES

Stations of the Resurrection
Raymond Chapman
Station 12

V         We adore thee O Christ and we bless thee

R.        Because by thy glorious Resurrection thou has given life to the world.

Then he appeared to James. (1 Corinthians 15:7)

The human family of Jesus did not at first understand who he was; indeed some of them thought he was mad. James, called the brother of the Lord, was changed by his experience of the Risen Lord into a devout believer and a leader of the Church in Jerusalem.

We give thanks for our families; for the home, which is a small but wonderful image of the divine care; for the nurture of human love and understanding; for all those with whom we share our lives.

We do not always value those who are closest to us: we become impatient and familiarity makes us careless in our consideration of others. Help us to care for those who have been given to us as our families here on earth and to make our homes centers of love and happiness.

V         Christ is risen.
R         He is risen indeed.
V         Let us bless the Lord.
R         Thanks be to God.

It was such a late coming to you who had been so close in life, even through you had not been so close in life, even though you had not been his companion in the times of showing and the times of trouble. Not for you the sudden glory of the first morning, certainty that a new world had begun. What did you think as the days passed and there was no sign? When you heard them speak of the wonder they had seen, did you still not believe? Did you think it was illusion, or did you grow resentful that he had not shown himself to you?

The privilege granted to five hundred must have seemed too much to bear. Perhaps you felt guilty that you had rejected him, tried to turn him from his chosen way, called him mad. Or did you still think you had been right, the others wrong who had followed him and now said he was alive again? Not one of the chosen Twelve, could you hope to share in his new commission?

Then it came the revelation that dispelled all doubt, canceled resentment, washed out the stain of guilt.  You, who though you had been rejected from the following, were called to lead. In the years ahead you would have to make decisions for his infant Church

Risen Lord, guide me to recognize you in the close and familiar things.

Let me know you in the dull routine of every day, so that I may be always ready for the moments when you presence is strong and clear

Teach me to trust the words of all who have witnessed to you from the beginning of the Church until now.

And please, care for those who are dear to me, and them firm in faith and hope and love.

Raymond Chapman
Station 12

V         We adore thee O Christ and we bless thee

R.        Because by thy glorious Resurrection thou has given life to the world.

Then he appeared to James. (1 Corinthians 15:7)

The human family of Jesus did not at first understand who he was; indeed some of them thought he was mad. James, called the brother of the Lord, was changed by his experience of the Risen Lord into a devout believer and a leader of the Church in Jerusalem.

We give thanks for our families; for the home, which is a small but wonderful image of the divine care; for the nurture of human love and understanding; for all those with whom we share our lives.

We do not always value those who are closest to us: we become impatient and familiarity makes us careless in our consideration of others. Help us to care for those who have been given to us as our families here on earth and to make our homes centers of love and happiness.

V         Christ is risen.
R         He is risen indeed.
V         Let us bless the Lord.
R         Thanks be to God.

It was such a late coming to you who had been so close in life, even through you had not been so close in life, even though you had not been his companion in the times of showing and the times of trouble. Not for you the sudden glory of the first morning, certainty that a new world had begun. What did you think as the days passed and there was no sign? When you heard them speak of the wonder they had seen, did you still not believe? Did you think it was illusion, or did you grow resentful that he had not shown himself to you?

The privilege granted to five hundred must have seemed too much to bear. Perhaps you felt guilty that you had rejected him, tried to turn him from his chosen way, called him mad. Or did you still think you had been right, the others wrong who had followed him and now said he was alive again? Not one of the chosen Twelve, could you hope to share in his new commission?

Then it came the revelation that dispelled all doubt, canceled resentment, washed out the stain of guilt.  You, who though you had been rejected from the following, were called to lead. In the years ahead you would have to make decisions for his infant Church

Risen Lord, guide me to recognize you in the close and familiar things.

Let me know you in the dull routine of every day, so that I may be always ready for the moments when you presence is strong and clear

Teach me to trust the words of all who have witnessed to you from the beginning of the Church until now.

And please, care for those who are dear to me, and them firm in faith and hope and love.

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